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Monday 2 May 2016

Aftermath : Becoming a University student

                      "A long journey start with a single step"

It's May 2016! Its about the end of my first year as UMSian (like seriously its been a year already??)

Seriously! I can't believe it! A year seems to go too fast. I don't know what else to think or say, either to think if it a good news or bad one. Can you guess it? I bet you don't. Its not fair actually. I don't do anything in those year (this year). I just like sleeping, spending money [a loan actually (-_-)], downloading, surfing, surfing, and downloading again. Basically, one year in here turn me into a total TV Series maniac (no offense). I've been so into tv series lately and its kind of addicting, you know. 
Even talking about it does sound very creepy. Ah. Forget about it. Feels like writing a diary (hahaha).
Oh, did I mention I take mandarin class?  Well its 很有意思 !And worth to learn.
ok then, I would love to share some precious moment. 

A little bit of moment in UMS
A little bit of HAPPINESS-moment (It is an aerobic team)

Oh, we get to do CSR too :)

Well then, gotta go back to my 'life'. Roger and out. 再见 :)